Sublime in a sentence
Sublime in a sentence

Gladly, iA Writer uses the absolute minimum of colors, so this was the easiest part to reproduce. I decided to try to replicate what iA Writer does but inside Sublime Text. It feels limiting not having those at your fingertips. I got used to Sublime’s conveniences like multiple cursors, Find in Files, Go Anywhere, and Git integration.Having a self-hosted blog, publishing consists of an occasional CSS/JS/templates editing, which, again, iA Writer is not optimized for.Recently I moved away from iCloud and in general prefer when tools don’t dictate where I keep my files. iA Writer’s library is tied to iCloud and you are supposed to keep all your files there.I prefer to operate in projects and folders, switching back and forth between files. iA Writer is designed to work with a single document at a time.Yet, with time, I started to feel that it’s not the perfect fit for my particular workflow: I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone doing any writing. It is great, both for the inspiration, for the innovation, and the actual implementation. The design is so timeless it barely changed in 10 years.Īnd I’ve been happy with it, I am not going to complain. Here’s a screenshot of the original version of iA Writer from 2011:

sublime in a sentence sublime in a sentence

For me, it has found the perfect balance between features and simplicity, design and focus.

#Sublime in a sentence android

I bought the original iPad version, the original macOS version (when it was still called MacOS X), the Android one, and even the one they re-released as a “paid full-price update”. I’ve been a long-time fan of iA Writer for, well, writing. The setup has proven itself fantastic, I am LOVING it and have zero urge looking anywhere else. I’ve since published three other blog posts here and more than twenty in my telegam channel. UPD: It’s been more than a month since I wrote the original draft for this article. Building an ultimate writing machine from Sublime Text

Sublime in a sentence